The Redirector server is a server which is usually hosted at
(there is other similar servers for different games such as
for Mass Effect Andromeda) and this server is responsible for telling game clients the public address of the main server.
All packets mentioned below are in the human-readable format generated by my Tdf library, the actual packets are encoded with the binary TDF format
Clients request the main server instance information from this server using a packet like the below:
Official: Send
Request (0): Redirector->GetServerInstance (0x0005->0x0001)
Content: {
"BSDK": "", # Version of BlazeSDK this client is using
"BTIM": "Dec 21 2012 12:47:10", # Possible the time this build was created or the BlazeSDK build time
"CLNT": "MassEffect3-pc", # The type of client connecting
"CLTP": 0,
"CSKU": "134845",
"CVER": "05427.124", # Appears to be client version
"DSDK": "", # Client DirtySDK version
"ENV": "prod", # Client build environment
"FPID": Union(Unset),
"LOC": 1701727834, # Some kind of country identifier
"NAME": "masseffect-3-pc", # The game is Mass Effect 3 PC
"PLAT": "Windows", # The game is running on Windows
"PROF": "standardSecure_v3", # Client is using the SSLv3 protocol
The redirector server then responds with:
Official: Receive
Response (0): Redirector->GetServerInstance (0x0005->0x0001)
Content: {
"ADDR": Union("VALU", 0, {
"HOST": "", # The host address of the main server
"IP": 2677623048, # The ip address of the main server
"PORT": 10019, # The port of the main server
"SECU": 1, # Whether the main server is using SSLv3
"TSVN": "",
"XDNS": 0,
This message tells the client the credentials for the main server which it then closes the connection to the redirector and connects to the main server