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Manual Building

Learn how to manually compile the server executable from source.

Keep in mind that when manually building the server, the master branch contains the latest changes, which may be untested or not intended for general use. It's recommended to checkout a specific release tag instead of master to ensure the compiled version is stable.


  • Rust & Cargo: Rust version 1.70.0 or newer is required. You can install both using Rustup; follow the guide here.
  • Git: Git is required to clone the GitHub repository to your system. You can ignore this step if you manually download the latest source archive directly from GitHub here.

If you are using the source zip directly, extract it to a folder and skip the "Clone Repository" step.

Combined Answer

If you want to skip all the steps and just have a list of commands to paste in for the default setup, you can use the following command in your terminal (bash syntax for multiple commands):

git clone --depth 1 pocket-relay && cd pocket-relay && cargo build --release

1) Clone Repository


If you have already directly downloaded the repository source code from GitHub, you can skip this step.

First, clone the GitHub repository for the server. The following command will clone only the latest code changes from the GitHub repository:

git clone --depth 1 pocket-relay

2) Directory

To build the server using commands, open the server source code directory you've just cloned in your terminal. You can do that using the cd command. The following command will set your current directory to the server source code:

cd pocket-relay

The above command will only work if you run it in the same place that you've cloned the repository to.

3) Include dashboard (Optional)

The compiled dashboard is not included in the server repository, so if you want this available when manually building you will need to build this as well.


Building the dashboard requires Node.js with a version >=18

The dashboard source code can be found at

To install the dashboard first clone the repository

git clone --depth 1 dashboard

Enter the dashboard directory

cd dashboard

Then install the npm dependencies:

npm install

Then build the dashboard

npm run build

After that you can copy all the files and folders from the dist folder that was created and paste the them into the src/resources/public in the Pocket Relay server source

4) Compiling

Now, to compile the server source into a binary, run the following command:

cargo build --release

5) Server Binary

Once the server building finishes, you can find the server executable in the following folder:


If you are on Windows, the file will be named pocket-relay.exe, and if you are on Linux, it will be named pocket-relay.

Now you can use that binary the same way as the pre-built binaries. Refer back to the Executable guide for what to do next.